Sangfroid Resources

Sangfroid Resources (SFR) supports Group interests through the delivery and management of Human Resources, Operational Management & Project Support services across Group business lines. With a principal commitment to supporting the Government, Offshore Energy, Exploration & Production sectors, Sangfroid Resources offers thoroughly vetted and appropriately trained personnel of the highest calibre.

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Reina Seguranca

With a commitment to local content, Reina Seguranca is a Mozambique registered security & risk management company delivering multi-sector security and related services to multiple industries and sectors (mining, oil & gas, maritime, construction, financial services). Reina Seguranca brings international standards and quality assurance, including strict adherence to the Anti-Bribery Act and other fiduciary legislation and ISO accredited services to the Mozambican market.

Sangfroid Marine Services

Nigeria legislation dictates that maritime security services being performed within its jurisdictions must be contracted through indigenous companies holding the necessary licenses and MOU with the Nigerian Navy. As a Group subsidiary operating to the international standards of accreditation and quality assurance of its parent company, Sangfroid Marine Services enables Sangfroid Group the ability to deliver compliant services to its clients trading and operating offshore Nigeria.

Sangfroid Panthera

Sangfroid Panthera (SFP) is a joint venture between Sangfroid Group and locally registered & licenced Panthera Security Solutions. SFP is focused on the delivery of risk management and offshore support services to the Guyanese Oil & Gas sector. Guyana has emerged as the world’s fastest-growing new oil province in a decade, with discoveries of more than 11 billion barrels of oil and gas. The joint venture combines deep tech solutions, local expertise and international standards of accreditation and quality assurance to the emerging Guyanese offshore sector.